Sunday, January 27, 2013

I hired a marketing consultant for 2013

I just hired, Sarah Zomper, an Austin, Texas marketing consultant to help me assess my marketing strategy for 2013.

When she worked at Pierpont in Austin she did work for one of the sub-committees of the State Bar of Texas so she is familiar with attorneys & their needs. She won some awards while at Pierpont & she fits into the age demographic that I am trying to appeal to.  As a consultant, I like her prices.

I need to market to people under 35 and I need a new set of eyes to review my entire "package" to see if I'm doing things right.  With smart-phones and I-pads, marketing is evolving. The yellow pages aren't even used as doorstops any more.  I just recycle mine.  Just trying to get on the first page of Google is no longer enough.

I'm running out of business cards and before I re-order, I thought that perhaps a "new look" was appropriate.

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