Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Harris County Family Forms on-line

Judge Roy Moore, presiding Judge of the 245th Judicial District Court, has on his website many useful forms for pro se litigants.

Look at the bottom of the page (in very small print).

Even if you don't have a family law case in his court, if you have a case pending in Harris County, look on his website if you need a form.

I looked at all of the Harris County judge's websites & he is the only judge to post the most forms.

Thanks, Judge Moore!

To find the Harris County courts, I recommend "googling" -- "Office of the Harris County District Clerk" & "Family Courts".

I noticed that the 308th Court posted a list of court rules -- that would be very helpful if you have a case in that court.

The 309th court a form posted for cases in that court - so if you are set for trial be sure to check that website before you appear in that court.

Judge Moore has the standard Financial Information Statement (aka as FIS) that you will need if you have a Temporary Order Hearing set.

Print it out & fill it out before going to court.  Make 3 copies - one for you, one for opposing counsel & one for the Judge.

By the way, in most of the courtrooms, they have blank forms that you can go by and pick up copies.  So if you have a pending case in a court, I highly recommend going by the court and asking a clerk what forms you might need if you have a hearing pending.  The clerks are not attorneys so they are not allowed to give you legal advice.

Also, sometimes they run out of forms so you might have to go to more than one courtroom to get the forms that you need.

Additionally, just to make it more fun, each judge is allowed to use different forms.  But all they generally use the same FIS form.  They also all use the same BVS Form required by the State of Texas in Austin.


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