Monday, January 6, 2014

Common mutual injunctions used in family courts

Below are some common mutual injunctions that family courts will issue in cases.

Be aware that these are just some of the injunctions used - there are many more.

A family court judge can enjoin the parties before him/her from anything that the judge deems important.

Each party shall be enjoined, until further Court order, from engaging in any of the following conduct:

Disturbing the peace of the children named herein.

Removing the children named herein beyond the jurisdiction of the Court acting directly or in concert with others.

Disrupting or withdrawing the children from the school or daycare facility where the children are presently enrolled.

Initiating any discussions with the children concerning any aspect of this pending litigation.

Discussing any aspect of the lawsuit with others in the presence of the children.

Making any disparaging remarks about the other parent, the current spouse of the other parent, or other family members of the other parent in the presence of the children.

Allowing the children to remain in the presence of any other person(s) making disparaging remarks about the other parent, the current spouse of the other parent, or other family members of the other parent.

Communicating with the other parent by telephone or in writing in a vulgar, profane, obscene, or indecent language, or in a coarse or offensive manner.

Threatening the other parent, by telephone or in writing, to take unlawful action against any person.

Placing one or more telephone calls, anonymously, at an unreasonable hour, in an offensive and repetitious manner, or without a legitimate purpose of communication.

Causing bodily injury to the other parent or to the children.

Threatening the other or a child with imminent bodily injury.

Destroying, removing, concealing, encumbering, transferring or otherwise harming or reducing the value of the property of one or both of the parties.

Falsify8ng any writing or recording relating to the property of either of the parties.

Opening or diverting mail addressed to the other party.

Entering, operating or exercising control over the motor vehicle in the possession of the other party.

Taking any action to terminate or limit credit or charge cards in the name of the other party.

Signing or endorsing the other party's name on any negotiable instrument, check, or draft, such as tax refunds, insurance payments, dividends, or attempting to negotiate any negotiable instrument payable to the other party, without the personal signature of the other party.

Terminating or in any manner affecting the services of water, electricity, gas, telephone, cable television, or other contractual services, such as security, pest control, landscaping or yard maintenance, at the other party's residence or in any manner attempting to withdraw any deposits for service in connection with those services.

Incurring any indebtedness, other than legal expenses in connection with this suit, except as specifically authorized by order of this Court.

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