Tuesday, March 11, 2014

December 2013 - Houstonia Magazine

In the December 2013 issue of Houstonia Magazine I was selected (along with over 400 other Houston attorneys) as one of the top attorneys in Houston.

There were 30 attorneys listed under Family Law - and I was one of them!

I did not pay for this endorsement.

Quite frankly, I did not know about it until a friend called me.  I had never heard of the magazine. I think it is distributed in the Galleria area and I don't live in that area of town.

Thanks Houstonia Magazine!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your achievement. You must have done a good job in treating your clients and so the reward is justified. Those who work sincerely and professionally without any expectations are sure to get rewarded in the long run. http://www.affordablefamilyrights.com/
