Friday, September 6, 2013

Effective 9/1/2013 child support increase if you make more than $7,500/month

If your net income is more than $7,500 per month, effective September 1, 2013, your child support can be raised the next time the other parent wants a child support modification.

The new maximum net income that the Texas Legislature is going to look at is now $8,550/month.

Net income is defined as looking at all sources of a person's income such as employment as well as other sources of income including overtime, bonuses, interest on investments, rental income, etc.  You will need to be able to produce copies of your last 2-3 years of tax returns in order to help the judge (court) determine your gross income so that your net resources can be adequately determined so that your child support can be established.

So the maximum of amount of child support based on the percentage for one child will increase from $1,500 per month to $1,710 per month.

The net monthly income figure to which the above percentages apply are calculated as gross income minus taxes and minus any amounts paid for the child's health insurance insurance.

Generally, in addition to child support, you will be responsible for covering the child on health insurance or reimbursing the other parent for health insurance for the child.

Then there is the uninsured medical expenses for the child - generally shared 50/50 with the other parent.

Child support is calculated as follows:
20% for one child
25% for two children
30% for three children
35% for four children
40% for five children

If there are additional children being supported (not step-children) then these percentages are reduced a small amount.

You can look at my older blog posts on this blog site for these charts where I have shown the calculations when there are other children.

There are some other changes that the TX Legislature made when they met in 2013 to the Texas Family Code.  Overall the 2013 changes were not dramatic to the TX Family Code.

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