Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Texas elder law mediation cases

Mediating Elder Law Cases in Houston

Elder law cases are often of a pressing nature.  These cases may involve estate planning, elder housing issues, who will handle the person's monthly bills, who will make medical decisions, who will handle burial arrangements, and even guardianship if the person is incapacitated.  

These issues are typically very emotional and stressful for the parties involved, especially when the elderly person and his loved ones do not agree on how to handle a dispute.

Elder law cases in Houston have been resolved much more quickly when the parties choose to use mediation.  

Mediation may be scheduled much more easily than a trial, often with just a phone call.  

The parties may even use mediation if no formal lawsuit has been filed—mediation may be used for any type of dispute.

During mediation, a third party neutral, called the mediator, will meet with the parties to discuss their positions.  

The mediator will then assist the parties with creating their own settlement agreement.  

The mediator does not make any decisions on behalf of the parties—any settlement reached is the product of their own agreement.

Mediation is especially useful for emotional cases because it preserves the relationships of the parties.  

During an adversarial trial, personal relationships are often permanently destroyed.  

However, when parties work together to resolve their disputes, they feel much less animosity toward each other.

In Texas, judges prefer mediation to litigation when families cannot agree. 

Elder mediation can be scheduled while litigation is pending or before any lawsuit is filed in an attempt to avoid the expense of litigation.

Call an elder law mediator if you have further questions. 

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