Monday, February 18, 2013

Houston Volunteer Lawyers (pro bono - free - legal services)

Harris County pro bono (free) legal services for Harris County residents whose household income is at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines.

They provide help for people with problems with:
family law (divorce, child support, custody, visitation, etc.)
estate planning (such as wills, powers of attorney)
tax disputes with the IRS
Landlord/tenant issues
consumer problems

Intake line -- 713-228-0732

They have legal advice clinics:

Saturday clinic -- 1st & 3rd Saturday of each month at various locations around Houston

Veterans Clinic - every Friday from 2-4pm 
at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center

Low Income Taxpayer Clinic - 
by appointment for assistance with IRS issues
Call 713-255-1TAX

Courthouse Information Booth - Family Law Questions only
(divorce, child support, child custody, etc.)
Basement of the Harris County Family Law Center
(1115 Congress, Houston, Texas 77002)
from 8:30 - noon & from 1-2 pm on Monday - Friday (usually)
The people that work in the booth do NOT give out legal forms!
They will try to answer your legal questions.

Houston Volunteer Lawyers is non-profit service of the Houston Bar Association (HBA).
This organization is supported by your local Houston lawyers!
This organization receives over 30,000 phone calls each year.
They provide free in-person legal advice to nearly 5,000 people each year.
Local Houston volunteer lawyers handle over 1,400 cases each year - local Houston attorneys donate over $4million worth of their time on these pro bono cases!

6 million Texans qualify for legal aid - including over 500,000 in Houston alone but there ar less than 90,000 lawyers statewide!  The need for free legal services exceed the attorneys available to provide assistance!

People bad-mouth greedy attorneys--but local Houston attorneys try to help indigent Harris County residents by financially supporting Houston Volunteer Lawyers & by providing legal services for free.  The legal community in Houston gives back to the Houston community in many ways -- check out the Houston Bar Association website for some of the things the HBA does -- coat drives in the winter, building houses for Habitat for Humanity, etc.


  1. New Jersey Attorney
    A family law attorney can guide you through the many legal issues facing couples, parents and their children. Family law lawyers can work with individuals who are engaged or married to create pre-nuptial agreements and post-nuptial agreements.

  2. Family law and domestic relations issues concern more than just laws and legal procedures, it also concerns your family. At Hunter Law Group,our attorneys always remember that family relationships are at the heart of everything we do.

  3. Hello,
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